Tag Archives: geek music

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How Geeky is your Taste in Music?

You can tell you're in Silicon Valley when Borders has a A while back I created a group on Last.fm for Geek Music. Geek music isn’t a real genre, but it seemed to me that geeks were fairly passionate about their music and might have some similar favorites. I’m not just talking about genre stuff like math rock, nerdcore rap, or heaven forbid, filk. What do programmers listen to when they program? What do bookworms listen to when they read?

Well, we have the answer. And now that we have some numbers, we might as well see some analysis.

So, how geeky are your musical tastes? Click here to find out.

I clocked in at 83.82% geeky. That’s pretty good – can you beat me? Either way, post your score in the comments below.

Radio2.0 – Last.fm will pay royalties to independent musicians

Last.fm, a very cool online radio / music social networking site, just announced that it will pay royalties directly to independent musicians who upload their songs.

This is pretty important, for the same reason that Google’s Adsense was important (though probably a few orders of magnitude smaller impact). The Internet does a few things really, really well – quickly build network effects, encourage the creation of lots of long tail and niche content, etc. It also has the potential to cut out the middleman in economic transactions and help pay small-audience writers, artists, and musicians, so long as there’s a viable monetization system.

Adsense is that monetization system for a huge number of web sites, and hopefully things like Last.fm’s royalty program and CDBaby will be the engine that drives more interesting music online.

By the way, I started the Geek Music group a few years ago.  Feel free to join, your listening habits will help us determine the best music to put on when writing code.