Tag Archives: widgets

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Trying out Google Friend Connect on my Blog

If you look to your right and down a little ways you’ll see a new widget on my blog – Google Friend Connect. If you’re a friend or regular reader feel free to click on the little “Join this site” button to connect to me.

So far it seems pretty similar to MyBlogLog and other services – if I get some time between baby feedings I’ll try to write up a comparison.  The most glaring advantage for Google Friend Connect is the huge, built-in userbase of GMail users, Picasa users, etc.  You can also sign in with a Yahoo ID or an OpenID, which is very cool.

Read more on the Google Blog.  You can add it to your site as well, it only took a minute or two.

Why add Friend Connect?  It lets you make your homepage a bit more like a social networking site.  Right now its a bit limited, but I think eventually we’ll all be able to own our Facebook-style identities outside of walled gardens like, well, Facebook.